The World’s Worst Mobile Marketing Advice

        The world is full of things that we take minor short cuts in order to simplify and achieve what we want. For instance buying peanut butter and jelly in the same jar. I mean who really doesnt have the extra time to open another jar? You already had to untwist...

How To Keep Your Guests Informed Like A Pro

As humans we are predisposed to a need for information or the wanting to learn something new. This is called the need for cognition closure. It is the need to hear or see something new and ideally it is all wrapped up into a nice package with a neat little bow on top....

7 Steps to Monetize Inbound Guests [Intro]

Delivering the Right Message: First thing’s first. What is being shared is as important, if not more important, as how you share it. Customers are… well let’s be honest here…ignorant. They can see all your ads. They can watch all your television spots. They can even...